2019-2022|rFactor 2|cinematics
I’ve delivered over 40 cinematics of rFactor 2, working on cinematography, recording and editing. In most cases there were only a few days between the in-game content being ready and the planned release, providing a very tight deadline to get each cinematic recorded, edited and delivered. Here are some of my favorites!
Software used: rFactor 2, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop
2018|Chronos One Escape Rooms|CGI
Chronos One Escape Rooms was building a sci-fi escape room, and for it’s finale (when visitors managed to escape in time) they needed a short piece of CGI that was displayed on a screen, which was built into the wall to make it look like the window of an escape pod. There was a pretty tight timeline for this job, so we opted to make use of Unity and render the sequence in real-time to save on rendering time.
Software used: Unity, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop