2024|Le Mans: Ultimate|HUD
For the Le Mans: Ultimate HUD the task was to come up with a design that fits the established product style, contains all the racing necessities and works for both the hardcore sim racer and casual gamer.
The assigned programmer and I came up a list of tech features to power all of this. The old rFactor 2 system was not flexible and powerful enough so the process resulted in completely new HUD tech for Le Mans Ultimate.
Software used: Figma, Photoshop

2024|Le Mans: Ultimate|UI
For the Le Mans: Ultimate UI we had a clean sheet of paper to work from. I was tasked to create a style from a few different style suggestions, followed by some initial UI & UX designs. Later in the process we got a team together of 4 UI & UX designers to complete the user interface for Le Mans: Ultimate.
Software used: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator

2023|rFactor 2|Ingame Store
Prior to the introduction of the ingame store, rFactor 2 had to rely on the item store within Steam for selling content. For the user this made the process of browsing, purchasing and keeping track of owned content difficult and slow, while for the publisher this made doing special sales less effective as visibility was not optimal.
With this project I was tasked to design a store that would tackle those issues. A store that gives a clear overview of all available content, indicating what content the user already owns. At the same time the new ingame store made it easier to push certain pieces of content forwards during releases and sales.
Software used: Photoshop, Illustrator

2022|rFactor 2|UI
I redesigned the UI and UX for rFactor 2. The challenge here was that it all had to run on the existing framework. Some of the pages and UX was set in stone on the backend level. This created a fun challenge to see what we can improve while respecting the elements that couldn’t change.
The main objective was to simplify the navigation. rFactor 2 is a simulation game with an incredible amount of options & features. The old UI had a structure with many layers stacked on top of each other, forcing the user to go in and out of pages to get where the want. By turning to a more linear navigation that sits on a single plane we made it easier and faster to get through the UI.
Software used: Photoshop, Illustrator